Hero has launched its BS6-compliant Destini 125 at INR 64,310 (LX variant) and INR 66,800 (VX variant) in India. Hero Destini 125 gains LED pilot lamps and new 3D logos with the latest update and is now offered in a new Matte Grey Silver paint scheme. The upgrade to BSVI on Destini 125 now gives the scooter more power. The 124.6 cc air-cooled and fuel-injected engine now makes 9 hp at 7,000rpm and 10.4 Nm at 5,500rpm.Suspension systems include a telescopic fork up front and a single spring at the rear and braking duties are taken care of by drums at both ends. The Hero Destini 125 retains i3S technology which switches off the engine when at a traffic signal or when the rider stops for an extended time period. Hero claims that the move to BSVI has made Destini 125 11 percent more fuel-efficient.
Published Date: Published Date: 2020-02-18 12:40:25
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